WIRED 2019 Program

November 19th – AM

Research Lecture Session

9:00    –    Registration – Welcome breakfast

9:30    –    Event introduction – V. Navarro, K. Lehongre

9:45    –    Towards ECoG based intelligent adaptive deep brain stimulation J. Neumann (Charité Univ., Germany)

10:30  –    Coffee Break

11:00  –    Cancelled C. Tallon-Baudry (ENS, France)

11:45  –    Influence of sleep on epileptic activity in human focal epilepsy: contribution of intracranial EEG  B. Frauscher (McGill, Canada)

12:30  –    Lunch & Poster session

November 19th – PM

Methodological aspects

14:00    –   From the surgery to iEEG recording – P. Avanzini (In-Cnr, Italy)

15:00    –   Electrical stimulation – K. Wardell (LIU, Sweden)

16:00   –   Coffe Break

16:30   –   Open discussion on multi-subject analysis and data/soft sharing – L. Yahia-Cherif (ICM, France)

17:30   –   Wine and Cheese session – Let’s share a casual moment to exchange ideas – another chance to visit the posters

November 20th- AM

Research Lecture Session

8:45      –    Breakfast

9:00      –    Keynote: The cortical mechanisms for visual perception and addressing them to restore a rudimentary form of sight for the blindP. Roelfsema (NIN, Netherland)

10:00    –    Oscillatory cortico-subcortical coherent networks V. Litvak (UCL, UK)

10:45    –    Role of the subthalamic nucleus in decision making in Parkinson’s disease A. Eusebio (INT, France)

11:30    –    Coffee Break

11:45    –    Focus: Form rodents to humans  A. Trevelyan (Newcastle Univ., UK)

12:30    –    Conclusions and poster award

Poster Session

After a fruitful set of lectures let’s have casual moments where everyone can discuss with the speakers, chat about where the field is going, and present their ongoing work on posters…

Posters will be presented during the lunch breaks and the cocktail. Poster presenters have to register for this session (the frames are portrait oriented – 170cm tall and 90cm wide).

Our speakers

More information about our speakers soon here

Wolf-Julian Neumann

 Charité Universitätsmedizin (Germany)

Catherine Tallon-Baudry

ENS (France)

Birgit Frauscher

McGill University (Canada)

Pietro Avanzini

In-Cnr (Italy)

Karin Wårdell

LIU (Sweden)

Lydia Yahia-Cherif

ICM (France)

Pieter Roelfsema

NIN (The Netherlands)

Vladimir Litvak


Alexandre Eusebio

INT (France)

Andrew Trevelyan

Newcastle University (UK)