WIRED 2024 Program

Hands-on tutorials

March 13th

The whole day will be dedicated to hands-on tutorials. Four worldwide used toolboxes will be presented in two parallel sessions. Both in the morning and in the afternoon, attendees will have the opportunity to choose between two sessions to learn how to process intracranial data with various methods and tools. To attend the hands-on tutorials, participants will have to register and bring their own laptops.

Please be present at 9:00 for badge pickup and breakfast



AM session



Maansi Desai

Alexandre Gramfort

Apolline Mellot


A.-Sophie Dubarry

Maximilien Chaumon

PM session



Samuel Garcia

Pierre Yger


Robert Oostenveld

Marie-Constance Corsi


March 14th – AM

Research Lecture Session

Physiopathological insights

Chair: Marie-Laure Welter

9:00        Registration – Welcome breakfast

9:30        Event introduction

9:45        Huiling Tan – Adaptive DBS informed by intracranial recordings in humans

10:15      Jan Schönberger – HFOs in epileptic and “healthy” brain tissue

10:45      Coffee Break

11:00   –    Emmanuel Barbeau – Concept cells and concept cells 

11:30   –    Lucia Wittner – Role of excitatory and inhibitory circuits in the generation of synchronies emerging in the human neocortex, in vitro.

12:00   –    Discussion

12:30      Lunch & Poster session

March 14th – PM

Methodological aspects Session

Methodological advances

Chair: Valerio Frazzini

14:30       Alexandre Gramfort – Building neuromotor interfaces from surface EMG or how to record single neurons of the motor cortex non-invasively

15:00       John C. Mosher (visio) – Reconstructing neural sources of activity from SEEG signals

15:30       Agnès Trébuchon – How to manage functionnal exploration during presurgical evaluation of epilepsy

16:00       Discussion

16:30       Coffee Break

16:45       Anaïs Llorens – Intracranial EEG recordings of interpersonal communication

17:15   –     Robert T. Knight (visio) – Insights into Human Cognition from Intracranial Recording

19:00       Social event @ secret place

March 15th – AM

Research Lecture Session

Cognitive explorations

Chair: Brian Lau

8:30         Breakfast

9:00        Michael Pereira – Cortical and subcortical microelectrode recordings to study perceptual decisions and confidence

9:30        Maansi Desai – Understanding speech and language development using intracranial recordings in pediatric epilepsy

10:00      F.-Xavier Alario – Signal variability and “cognitive resolution” in SEEG research 

10:30       Coffee Break

10:45   –     Jacques Jonas – Understanding human face identity recognition with intracerebral recording and electrical stimulation

11:15   –     Discussion

11:45   –     Conclusion


During breaks

After a fruitful set of lectures let’s have casual moments where everyone can discuss with the speakers, chat about where the field is going, and present their ongoing work on posters…

Posters will be presented during the breaks of the 14th. Poster presenters have to register for this session (the frames are portrait oriented – 170cm tall and 90cm wide).

Our speakers

Huiling Tan

Oxford University, UK

Jan Schönberger

Univ. Med. Freiburg, Germany

Emmanuel Barbeau

CerCo, France

Lucia Wittner

Research Center for Nat. Sciences, Hungary

Alexandre Gramfort

Meta (France)

Anaïs Llorens


Agnès Trébuchon


Robert T. Knight

UC Berkeley, USA

Michael Pereira

GIN, France

Maansi Desai

Univ. of Texas Austin, USA

F.-Xavier Alario

CRPN-AMU, France

Jacques Jonas

University of Lorraine, France

John C. Mosher

University of Texas (USA)

Our instructors

Robert Oostenveld

Donders, The Netherlands

Marie-Constance Corsi

ICM, Inria, France

Anne-Sophie Dubarry

CRPN-AMU, France

Maximilien Chaumon

ICM, France

Samuel Garcia

CRNL, France

Pierre Yger

IdV, France

Maansi Desai

Univ. of Texas Austin, USA

Alexandre Gramfort

Meta, France

Apolline Mellot

Inria, France

Liberty Hamilton

Univ. of Texas Austin, USA